Thursday, August 27, 2020

ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for ..ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression

 ORA-12018 ORA-00979 ORA-06512

When we create Materialized report view it is successfully created and reports are coming properly.

But when we do complete refresh using below mentioned command it is showing an error

SQL> exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_rkcapitaldashboard','C') ;

begin dbms_mview.refresh('mv_rkcapitaldashboard','C'); end;

ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for "LDBO"."MV_RKCAPITALDASHBOARD"

ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2809

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 3025

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2994



Oracle Version


alter session set "_complex_view_merging"=false;

or add following in query

/*+ opt_param('_complex_view_merging','false') */

or try following in SQL


exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_rkcapitaldashboard','C') ;

Friday, August 21, 2020

The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address 'net.pipe://localhost/ServiceName' is unavailable for the protocol of the address

Getting the error, The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address 'net.pipe://localhost/ServiceName' is unavailable for the protocol of the address.

If you use net.pipe protocol, you should check if "Net.Pipe Listener Adapter" service is running in Services management console.

Then, try using ServiceModelReg.exe -r to repair all WCF components.

And Check whether you enable net.pipe protocol in IIS.
give all permissions for the service files and folders to the account under which the app pool for the website is configured to run.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Oracle 19c Security parameters Cyber security

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

IIS Web Security | Cyber Security | VAPT | Best Practices

1) Don't use default location c: to host application
2) disable default page
3) disable directory browsing
4) Disable the Http OPTIONS Method
5) Enable Dynamic IP Address Restrictions
The Dynamic IP to prevent DoS attacks.
6) Ensure that you keep up to date with the latest updates and security patches. The majority of hacks affecting the web server occur on unpatched servers.
7) Disabling-IIS-Web-Banner-And-Other-IIS-Headers

Please make sure following IIS security settings should be configured at your public hosting customer facing application.

Remove the default page or stop/disable from the IIS server

Open IIS Manager
Click the server name
Double click on Default Document
On the right side, click “Disable”

 Or redirect default page to application login page
Using the Web site redirect function build in IIS Manager.
1. Start IIS Manager from Administrator Tools.
2. Expand the ServerName, and then expand the Sites
3. Double Click on the Default Web Site to open up the Default Web Site properties.
4. Under section"IIS", double click on "HTTP Redirect".
5. Check "Redirect requests to this destination", and fill in the Web Application link in the box. For example "Https://"
6. Check Only redirect requests to content in this directory (not subdirectories)"
7. On the right side pan, click Apply.
8. Since the you Websites are under Default Web Sites, this change will be applied to any websites that's under Default Websites. Please go to each website and do the HTTP Redirect, make sure None of the box is checked.
9. Reset IIS.

Disabling IIS Directory Browsing or Listing

The attacker can display the whole list of files in the directories. These directories include sensitive files such as password files, database files, FTP logs etc. It is obvious that this information was not intended for public view.

1. Go to RUN
2. Type inetmgr and click Enter to open IIS console
3. Select Application Directory under Default website or other Website.
4. In the right hand side panel double click on the "Directory Browsing" option.
5. Click on the Disable button

How do you stop users directly accessing files on a website in IIS in that directory
Directory is not accessible now after disabling directory browsing but if hacker knows the file name then file can be accessed.
URL Rewrite
If anyone directly come to any page it should be redirect to authentication page 


For security purposes, it may be desirable to disable the X-ASPNET-VERSION and X-Powered-By HTTP Headers.
The HTTP header "X-Powered-By" reveals the version of IIS being used on the server. This can be disabled by:
1. Open the IIS Manager
2. Select the website that website Server is running under.
3. Select "HTTP Response Headers"
4. Select the "X-Powered-By" HTTP Header and select "Remove"
The Http Header "X-ASPNET-VERSION" reveals the version of ASP.NET being used by the website Server application pool. This can be disabled by:
1. Open the web.config file for website Server (located in the root directory for the website).
2. Just after the <system.web> tag add this: <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false" />
3. Save the file.
Note: The SERVER header variable should not be removed as it will cause certain functionality within website Server to break. 

Disable the OPTIONS Method
The OPTIONS method provides a list of methods that are supported by the web server. Although this might seem beneficial, it also provides useful information to the attacker at the reconnaissance stage. Therefore, we recommend that you disable the OPTIONS method completely. This can be done by denying the OPTIONS verb in HTTP verb request filtering rules in IIS.

Open the IIS Manager
Select the name of the machine to configure this globally (or change to the specific web site for which you need to configure this)
Double click on Request Filtering
Change to the HTTP Verbs tab
From the Actions pane, select Deny Verb
Insert OPTIONS in the Verb field and click on OK to save changes

Enable Dynamic IP Address Restrictions
The Dynamic IP Restrictions module helps to block access to IP addresses that exceed a specified number of requests and thus helps prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. This module will inspect the IP address of each request sent to the web server and will filter these requests in order to temporarily deny IP addresses that follow a particular attack pattern.

The Dynamic IP Restrictions module can be configured to block IP addresses after a number of concurrent requests or to block IP addresses that perform a number of requests over a period of time. Depending on your IIS version you will need to enable either the IP Security feature or the IP and Domain Restrictions 

To set or modify dynamic IP restrictions:

Open the IIS Manager
Select the name of the machine to configure this globally (or change to the specific web site for which you need to configure this)
Double click on IP Address and Domain Restrictions
From the Actions pane, select Edit Dynamic Restriction Settings
Modify and set the dynamic IP restriction settings as needed and click on OK to save changes

Sunday, August 2, 2020

ora-01843 not valid month

ora-01843 not valid month

Date which is passing in query has wrong format.

Check server date format
Web.config (.NET application)
Add following or do setting in IIS
<globalization culture="en-GB"/>

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: Numeric Or Value Error: Character String Buffer Too Small

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: Numeric Or Value Error: Character String Buffer Too Small

Sometimes you get this error if you insert a character/string in a numeric column or vice versa.

It happens when the field size is smaller than the length of the string you try to store.

Check the length of each column which is going to insert. There is a column having length less than the value you are going to insert.

ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments [qkebCreateConstantOpn1]




ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments [qkebCreateConstantOpn1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Drop and recreate Table

Saturday, July 25, 2020

ORA-22992 cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables


ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables

both 1920 and 2021 in single db. but through link Oracle is not suppporting this

select * from ldccm.TBLCLREQUESTDESCRIPTION@Lnk_Ccm

SELECT ( select cmodifymatter from ldccm.TBLCLREQUESTDESCRIPTION@Lnk_Ccm where nrequestno=4)   FROM DUAL;

select pscannedimage From tblscannedimage@lnk_digital;

SELECT (select pscannedimage From tblscannedimage@lnk_digital) as pscannedimage  FROM DUAL



create temp table in database and insert into it then select
select *
from test@dblink;

 create global temporary table testglobal
on commit delete rows
as select * from test@dblink;

select * from testglobal;

 insert into testglobal
select y from test@dblink;

select * from testglobal ;

ORA-65510: Distributed LOB operations are not supported on pre-12.2 databases.

from LD , I m trying to save Blob image in ccm's table with link
select * from ldccm.TBLCLREQUESTDESCRIPTION@Lnk_Ccm;


01~Error Description : ORA-65510: Distributed LOB operations are not supported on pre-12.2 databases.
Method : UpdateEkycdataLine : 46406~0~

select * from ldccm.TBLCLREQUESTDESCRIPTION@Lnk_Ccm;

check db version of both database 
lnk_ccm(Distrubted DB) is of 11g
source db in 19c

Distributed LOB operations are not supported on pre-12.2 databases(

19c db should be connected through 19c db to support this.

upgrade DB.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

ORA-30926 unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
Cause: A stable set of rows could not be got because of large dml activity or a non-deterministic where clause.
getting more than one records to update single row

***there is a restriction that multiple updates to the same row in the destination table is not allowed and will raise ORA-30926.

Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the dml.

use distinct in select query
check duplicate record

Another Issue Cause
Merge Parallel is not supporting when query is using index.
Check explain plan. It is not using Parallel hint as using index.
If use full hint with paralel then it start using Parallel.

that time getting this error  ORA-30926 unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

Remove Parallel hint

Monday, July 20, 2020

ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments [13013] [5001]

ORA-600 [13013] [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f]

This format relates to Oracle Server 8.0.3 to 10.1

Arg [a] Passcount
Arg [b] Data Object number
Arg [c] Tablespace Relative DBA of block containing the row to be updated
Arg [d] Row Slot number
Arg [e] Relative DBA of block being updated (should be same as [c])
Arg [f] Code

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13013], [5001], [268], [8447338], [5], [8447338], [17], [], [], [], [], []

Select object_name,object_type,owner from dba_objects where data_object_id=268;

Analyze table <owner>.<table name> validate structure cascade online ;

Rebuild Table and Index

**Index is created as column desc 

getting this issue in Merge Parallel 

after removing parallel hint it is working fine.

Table issue. May be bug
Drop and recreate table

Disable trigger based on some condition

/* following command will disable the RK Trigger at NON RK Client only */

declare lchost varchar2(100); 
select host into lchost from dba_db_links where db_link='LNK_RAKSHAK'; 
if ( trim(upper(lchost)) like '%RAKSHAK%' ) 
  FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT trigger_name 
                  FROM   dba_triggers WHERE trigger_name like 'TG_RK%') LOOP
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter trigger ldbo.' || cur_rec.trigger_name || ' DISABLE' ;

Merge is not using Parallel hint

if you are using table alias then use parallel(alias) not parallel(table_name)

also if query is using index in plan then it will not use parallelism
if you want to use parallel forcefully then use full(alias) along with parallel hint.

Friday, July 17, 2020

DBCA Ora-03113

Check OS level

copy column from same table

Table 1
New column Col4 added
Col4 has same data col2

Update table1 set Col4=col2

Create table as 
Insert into table2( col1,col2,col3,col2)


oracle communication: failed to connect to server or failed to parse connect string

Antivirus and firewall exclusion

Oracle database and application driver version compatibility
oracle client

Oracle bug

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Update millions of rows in very huge table Performance

/*Use set value also in where clause.
Eg. Set nUsablePledgestock=1
Where nUsablePledgestock !=0

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity ;
Commit ;

/* split the query to month-wise */
Following will not increase undo in very high amount.

set timing on
spool d:\poaupdate.txt
Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran <='01-APR-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-APR-2019' and dtoftran <='01-MAY-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-MAY-2019' and dtoftran <='01-JUN-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-JUN-2019' and dtoftran <='01-JUL-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-JUL-2019' and dtoftran <='01-AUG-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-AUG-2019' and dtoftran <='01-SEP-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-SEP-2019' and dtoftran <='01-OCT-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-OCT-2019' and dtoftran <='01-NOV-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-NOV-2019' and dtoftran <='01-DEC-2019' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-DEC-2019' and dtoftran <='01-JAN-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-JAN-2020' and dtoftran <='01-FEB-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-FEB-2020' and dtoftran <='01-MAR-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-MAR-2020' and dtoftran <='01-APR-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-APR-2020' and dtoftran <='01-MAY-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-MAY-2020' and dtoftran <='01-JUN-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-JUN-2020' and dtoftran <='01-JUL-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;

Update PowerofAttorneystocks set nUsablePledgestock=Quantity Where firmnumber='CUB-000001' and dtoftran >'01-JUL-2020' and nUsablepledgestock!=Quantity; 
Commit ;


spool off

select max from large table performance

Select max(ddate) from transactions where code='KSH';

Change to 

Select ddate from ( select ddate from transactions where code='KSH' order by ddate desc) where rownum=1;

**** If that code is not exist in table then first query takes very much time but second one comes faster.

Also can change into subquery

ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause in trigger


The following restrictions apply to the RETURNING clause:

The expr is restricted as follows:

Each expr must be a simple expression or a single-set aggregate function expression. You cannot combine simple expressions and single-set aggregate function expressions in the same returning_clause.

Single-set aggregate function expressions cannot include the DISTINCT keyword.

You cannot specify the returning_clause for a multitable insert.

You cannot use this clause with parallel DML or with remote objects.

You cannot retrieve LONG types with this clause.

You cannot specify this clause for a view on which an INSTEAD OF trigger has been defined.


ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause


ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'LDBO.TG_RKPOAPLEDGEUPDATE'

Problematic Command

update tblrktodel@lnk_Rakshak set nPoastocks=nPoastocks+........

        Where cClientcode=lcTerminalcode and cIsincode=lcIsincode and nSegmenttype=lnCommodity and nSourcetable=0 returning nHaircut,nT2Tscrip into lnHaircut,lnT2TScrip ;



           Select tblRktodel.nHaircut,tblRktodel.nT2Tscrip into lnHaircut,lnT2Tscrip From tblrktodel@lnk_Rakshak Where dTransactiondate=:Old.Dtoftran and cClientcode=lcTerminalcode and cIsincode=lcIsincode and nSegmenttype=lnCommodity and nSourcetable=0 ;


            When NO_DATA_FOUND then 

                lnHaircut:=0 ;

                lnT2Tscrip:=0 ;

        End ;           

ora-02055 ora-02069 ora-06512 ora-04088 select Sequence Remote table

Error in executing Trigger 

/* problem */
can not use Sq_Rakshakfreshpledge.nextval direct in remote table

Insert into tblRkfreshpledge@lnk_Rakshak (dTransactiondate,nTransactionno,nSegmenttype,cClientcode,cIsincode,nT2Tscrip,nHaircut,nPledgestock,nMarketvalue,dEntrytime,
        cTransmitted,dTransmittime) Values (:Old.Dtoftran,Sq_Rakshakfreshpledge.nextval,lnCommodity,lcTerminalcode,lcIsincode,lnT2Tscrip,lnHaircut,
        (:new.nUsablepledgestock-:Old.nUsablepledgestock),(:new.nUsablepledgestock-:Old.nUsablepledgestock)*lnMarketrate*lnHaircut,Sysdate,'N',null) ;


Select Ldbo.Sq_Rakshakfreshpledge.nextval into lnTransactionno From dual ;

        Insert into tblRkfreshpledge@lnk_Rakshak (dTransactiondate,nTransactionno,nSegmenttype,cClientcode,cIsincode,nT2Tscrip,nHaircut,nPledgestock,nMarketvalue,dEntrytime,
        cTransmitted,dTransmittime) Values (:Old.Dtoftran,lnTransactionno,lnCommodity,lcTerminalcode,lcIsincode,lnT2Tscrip,lnHaircut,
        (:new.nUsablepledgestock-:Old.nUsablepledgestock),(:new.nUsablepledgestock-:Old.nUsablepledgestock)*lnMarketrate*lnHaircut,Sysdate,'N',null) ;
