select * from v$sgastat order by 1;
select * from v$pgastat order by 1;
I noticed that you have some Pools in your SGA which are not used:
large pool free memory 209715200
But your PGA could reach about 340 Mo.
So, you may decrease about 160 Mo the large_pool_size parameter (you have 200 Mo free).
It will decrease the SGA (about 160 Mo).
Then you may increase the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to 512 Mo.
The most important is that SGA + PGA remains below 2GB (except if you use /3GB parameter
which may help you to get 1 GB more).
------------------------Used SGA-----------------
select name, round(sum(mb),1) mb, round(sum(inuse),1) inuse
from (select case when name = 'buffer_cache'
then 'db_cache_size'
when name = 'log_buffer'
then 'log_buffer'
else pool
end name,
bytes/1024/1024 mb,
case when name <> 'free memory'
then bytes/1024/1024
end inuse
from v$sgastat
)group by name;
------------------------Free SGA-----------------
select name, round(sum(mb),1) mb, round(sum(inuse),1) free
from (select case when name = 'buffer_cache'
then 'db_cache_size'
when name = 'log_buffer'
then 'log_buffer'
else pool
end name,
bytes/1024/1024 mb,
case when name = 'free memory'
then bytes/1024/1024
end inuse
from v$sgastat
)group by name;
select name,value from v$parameter where name ='sort_area_size';
---------------------------------- maximum PGA usage per process:--
max(pga_used_mem) max_pga_used_mem
, max(pga_alloc_mem) max_pga_alloc_mem
, max(pga_max_mem) max_pga_max_mem
from v$process
-----------sum of all current PGA usage per process---------
sum(pga_used_mem) sum_pga_used_mem
, sum(pga_alloc_mem) sum_pga_alloc_mem
, sum(pga_max_mem) sum_pga_max_mem
from v$process
-----------pga requirement as per high water mark
(select highwater from dba_high_water_mark_statistics where name = ('SESSIONS'))*(2048576+a.value+b.value)/1024/1024 pga_size_MB
v$parameter a,
v$parameter b
where = 'sort_area_size'
and = 'hash_area_size'
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