Showing posts with label memory management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memory management. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012

PGA Top Consumer

set pagesize 1000
set lines 100
col sid format 9999
col username format a12
col module format a30
column pga_memory_mb format 9,999.99 heading "PGA MB"
column max_pga_memory_mb format 9,999.99 heading "PGA MAX|MB"
col service name format a20
col sql_text format a70 heading "Currently executing SQL"
set echo on

(SELECT sid,
ROUND(SUM(CASE name WHEN 'session pga memory'
THEN VALUE / 1048576 END),2) pga_memory_mb,
ROUND(SUM(CASE name WHEN 'session pga memory max'
THEN VALUE / 1048576 END),2) max_pga_memory_mb
FROM v$sesstat
JOIN v$statname USING (statistic#)
WHERE name IN ('session pga memory','session pga memory max' )
SELECT sid, username,s.module,
max_pga_memory_mb, substr(sql_text,1,70) sql_text
FROM v$session s
JOIN (SELECT sid, pga_memory_mb, max_pga_memory_mb,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY pga_memory_mb DESC) pga_ranking
FROM pga)
USING (sid)
ON (s.sql_id=sql.sql_id and s.sql_child_number=sql.child_number)
WHERE pga_ranking <=5
ORDER BY pga_ranking

PGA incease When???

Whenever the value of the v$sysstat statistic estimated PGA memory for one-pass exceeds pga_aggregate_target, then you’ll want to increase pga_aggregate_target.

select name,value/1024/1024 from v$sysstat where name like '%pga%';

select value/1024/1024 from v$parameter where name like '%pga%';

Whenever the value of the v$sysstat statistic workarea executions—multipass is greater than 1 percent, the database may benefit from additional RAM memory.

select name,value from v$sysstat where name = 'workarea executions - multipass';

You can overallocate PGA memory and you may consider reducing the value of pga_aggregate_target whenever the value of the v$sysstat row workarea executions—optimal consistently measures 100 percent.

select name,value from v$sysstat where name = 'workarea executions - optimal';

---------------------------PGA top consumer-----------------

set pagesize 1000
set lines 100
col sid format 9999
col username format a12
col module format a30
column pga_memory_mb format 9,999.99 heading "PGA MB"
column max_pga_memory_mb format 9,999.99 heading "PGA MAX|MB"
col service name format a20
col sql_text format a70 heading "Currently executing SQL"
set echo on

(SELECT sid,
ROUND(SUM(CASE name WHEN 'session pga memory'
THEN VALUE / 1048576 END),2) pga_memory_mb,
ROUND(SUM(CASE name WHEN 'session pga memory max'
THEN VALUE / 1048576 END),2) max_pga_memory_mb
FROM v$sesstat
JOIN v$statname USING (statistic#)
WHERE name IN ('session pga memory','session pga memory max' )
SELECT sid, username,s.module,
max_pga_memory_mb, substr(sql_text,1,70) sql_text
FROM v$session s
JOIN (SELECT sid, pga_memory_mb, max_pga_memory_mb,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY pga_memory_mb DESC) pga_ranking
FROM pga)
USING (sid)
ON (s.sql_id=sql.sql_id and s.sql_child_number=sql.child_number)
WHERE pga_ranking <=5
ORDER BY pga_ranking


Monday, February 13, 2012

SGA PGA measuring

select * from v$sgastat order by 1;
select * from v$pgastat order by 1;

I noticed that you have some Pools in your SGA which are not used:

large pool free memory 209715200

But your PGA could reach about 340 Mo.

So, you may decrease about 160 Mo the large_pool_size parameter (you have 200 Mo free).

It will decrease the SGA (about 160 Mo).

Then you may increase the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to 512 Mo.

The most important is that SGA + PGA remains below 2GB (except if you use /3GB parameter
which may help you to get 1 GB more).

------------------------Used SGA-----------------

select name, round(sum(mb),1) mb, round(sum(inuse),1) inuse
from (select case when name = 'buffer_cache'
then 'db_cache_size'
when name = 'log_buffer'
then 'log_buffer'
else pool
end name,
bytes/1024/1024 mb,
case when name <> 'free memory'
then bytes/1024/1024
end inuse
from v$sgastat
)group by name;

------------------------Free SGA-----------------

select name, round(sum(mb),1) mb, round(sum(inuse),1) free
from (select case when name = 'buffer_cache'
then 'db_cache_size'
when name = 'log_buffer'
then 'log_buffer'
else pool
end name,
bytes/1024/1024 mb,
case when name = 'free memory'
then bytes/1024/1024
end inuse
from v$sgastat
)group by name;


select name,value from v$parameter where name ='sort_area_size';
---------------------------------- maximum PGA usage per process:--
max(pga_used_mem) max_pga_used_mem
, max(pga_alloc_mem) max_pga_alloc_mem
, max(pga_max_mem) max_pga_max_mem
from v$process

-----------sum of all current PGA usage per process---------
sum(pga_used_mem) sum_pga_used_mem
, sum(pga_alloc_mem) sum_pga_alloc_mem
, sum(pga_max_mem) sum_pga_max_mem
from v$process

-----------pga requirement as per high water mark

(select highwater from dba_high_water_mark_statistics where name = ('SESSIONS'))*(2048576+a.value+b.value)/1024/1024 pga_size_MB
v$parameter a,
v$parameter b
where = 'sort_area_size'
and = 'hash_area_size'

pga requirement as per high watermark

(select highwater from dba_high_water_mark_statistics where name = ('SESSIONS'))*(2048576+a.value+b.value)/1024/1024 pga_size_MB
v$parameter a,
v$parameter b
where = 'sort_area_size'
and = 'hash_area_size'

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Buffer Cache Size

High CPU_COUNT and increased granule size can cause ORA-0431 error.

------CPU_COUNT specifies the number of CPUs available to Oracle. On single-CPU computers, the value of CPU_COUNT is 1.

Memory sizing depends on CPU_COUNT (No of processor groups).
Please use below formulas to calculate min buffer cache size

--Minimum Buffer Cache Size
10g : max(CPU_COUNT) * max(Granule size)
11g : max(4MB * CPU_COUNT)

Please note that If SGA_MAX_SIZE < 1GB then use Granule size = 4mb, SGA_MAX_SIZE > 1G then use Granule size = 8MB.

If PARALLEL_AUTOMATIC_TUNING =TRUE then large pool is used for this area otherwise shared pool is used.

CPU_COUNT*PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS*1.5*(OS msg bufferr size) OR CPU_COUNT*5*1.5*(OS message size)

-- Add extra 2MB per CPU_COUNT for shared pool.

Here is the example:-

Sun Solaris server has threaded CPUs. 2 physical CPUs has 8 cores, and each core has 8 threads, then Oracle evaluates CPU_COUNT = 2*8*8=128.

Minimum Buffer Cache = CPU_COUNT *Granule size = 128*4M = 512MB
Shared Pool can use 338MB

Minimum Buffer Cache = CPU_COUNT *Granule size = 128*8M = 1024MB
Shared Pool can use 176 MB, so ORA-4031 occurs despite larger SGA_MAX_SIZE.

You need to manually tune CPU_COUNT parameter to resolve this error.
