Tuesday, July 3, 2012

insert update without unod redo

Is it possible to issue an INSERT statement or an UPDATE statement without generating Redo Logs and Undo?

This UNDO information itself generates REDO. There is nothing you can do about this situation: temporary tables need UNDO and that's the end of it.

To minimize the amount of UNDO is quite simple: just insert records and select records. INSERT generates the smallest amount of UNDO, because rolling back an INSERT requires simply the rowid. Conversely DELETE statements generate the most UNDO, because the database has to store the entire record. Basically, to rollback an INSERT issue a DELETE, to rollback a DELETE issue an INSERT. An UPDATE generates a variable amount of UNDO, because we need the old versions of the changed columns; the more columns changed and the bigger they are, the larger the amount of UNDO generated.

UNDO is always protected by redo.

If you direct path the global temporary table ( insert /*+ APPEND */) you can bypass undo ON THE TABLE - but not on the indexes. Hence you can reduce (marginally typically as it is usually indexes that generate the most undo) the amount of redo, but you cannot eliminate it.

The append hint suggests that Oracle should use DIRECT-PATH operations, which can result in faster inserts. If I recall correctly you should have exclusive access to the table. It is important to commit after the insert, so that you can select information from it.

More archives and more UNDOs in direct load on table with indexes.

Putting a primary key index in NOLOGGING mode did not help because NOLOGGING applies only to a limited number of operations.


1.The undo would normally be used to un-insert the rows in the event of a
failure or rollback - with DIRECT LOAD, undo is not necessary since the new rows are added entirely above the high water mark for the table.
2. When "Direct load" (/*+ append */) is used, Oracle can skip undo generation for the TABLE data - but not on the indexes.
3. In archivelog mode , REDO is normally generated with "Direct load" (/*+ APPEND */), it is UNDO that is skipped and then only for the table itself.
4.If table is placed into "nologging" mode (or use nologging in insert
command), then redo for the table as well as undo can be skipped..Again, only for the table - not for any indexes on the table itself.
5. Small redos which are generated in nologgin/DIRECT LOAD is used to protect the data dictionary.
6. To prevent archivelog generation in "Direct load", database and tablespace should not be in "Force logging mode". (Check v$database and dba_tablespaces).


insert /*+ append */ into tbl1 nologging select * from dba_objects;

select a.value,b.name from v$sesstat a,v$statname b where a.statistic#=b.statistic# and a.sid in (select sid from v$mystat) and name like '%redo size%';
select sum(undoblks)*8192/1024/1024 UNDOMB from v$undostat where trunc(begin_time,'DD')=trunc(sysdate,'DD');

Final Solution:
To use direct load and to take advantage of less archivelog generation and better performance, always consider the followings :
1. Disable indexes during direct load.
2. Make sure to use both /*+ append */ with nologging at the same time.
3. Make sure database and tablespace are not in nologging mode.

Use a combination of the following two features to maximize the speed of insert statements:

Set the table’s logging attribute to NOLOGGING; this minimizes the generation redo
for direct path operations (this feature has no effect on regular DML operations).

Use a direct path loading feature, such as the following:

INSERT /*+ APPEND */ on queries that use a subquery for determining which
records are inserted

INSERT /*+ APPEND_VALUES */ on queries that use a VALUES clause

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