Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Data pump export to a network mapped drive fails with ORA-39002 ORA-39070

It is working fine when both Server is in 2008 and above

create or replace directory z as 'Z:\backupset';


create or replace directory z as '\\\c$\DB_Backup\backupset';

C:\Users\Administrator>expdp schemas=idencraft userid=system/sys directory=z logfile=data_pump_dir:log.log

Cause of the Problem
The CREATE DIRECTORY command used the drive letter, not the UNC naming convention (\\<server>\<sharepoint>).
In this example: CREATE DIRECTORY dump_dir AS 'Z:\backupset';

The account running the command does not have the necessary privileges to access the mapped network disk.
The user LOCAL SYSTEM normally will not have file system permissions or network permissions.


Oracle service runs under local system account by default and this local system account cannot see what you have mapped as the mappings are unique to each user account. You can check Start --> Run --> Services.msc --> OracleServiceXXXX ---> Properties --> Logon

The quick solution would be to run the Oracle service under the user account you used to create the mapping but this creates a couple of additional problems e.g. user account password expires or the account is locked.
Check if the mapping granted rights to oradba group

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